Apply Now to Have Your Matric Papers Rechecked or Remarked Scholarship Programme 2021
The Apply Now to Have Your Matric Papers Rechecked or Remarked is currently looking to fund undergraduates looking for scholarships.
Now that matric results are out, you may be wanting to get your matric papers remarked. You can read below about how to do that.
The difference between a remark and a recheck is as follows. A re-mark means that your examination will be marked for a second time and a re-check of your scripts is a further check to ensure that all questions are duly marked and that all marks are correctly calculated.
You can register for either of these at your school or at a district office in your province. The information for this can be found on the reverse side of the Statement of Results you received at your school.
The closing date for applications is 10 March 2021.
You will need to pay for both remarks and rechecks. The fees for re-marking are R120 per subject and R290 for re-checking a subject.
It is important to remember that there is no guarantee that your mark will improve by much. But it is worth it especially if you are on the boundary to the next level, such as you received a 48 or 57.
In order to rewrite the subject completely, you have until 31 March to register to do so. You should visit the district office and complete a form there.
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